Our Legal Rentail Policy offers you:

We protect and manage your property with a plus, giving a completely free legal lease policy for one year and ratifying the contract with a notary.

Our legal rental policy gives formality and certainty to the fulfillment of the rental contract, always working with values, ethics, responsibility, integrity and commitment.

We are made up of experts in legal and administrative matters, that is why we offer a quality service for your peace of mind and protection in any type of property, with the added bonus of giving the tenant the peace of mind of knowing that their Your stay will be pleasant.

Services provided by our legal rental policy:

- Termination of contract due to Non-Compliance.
- Early contract termination process.
- Extrajudicial collection of overdue payments.
- Eviction of tenant by the judicial way.
- Collection of unpaid rents.
- Collection of unpaid services (electricity, water, cable, etc.)..
- Damage caused to the property.
- 2 visits to the property to verify its proper use.